Bean Primary School

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Mr Reilly's Blog 

Mr Reilly's Blog

Art Exhibition

admin on: Mr Reilly's Blog

Quote “ Fantastic, creative and colourful work.  Well done to everyone. Good job.”

This was the view of one of our visitors to our art exhibition this week. Each year group displayed 6 pieces of work, one from each term. This included 2D and 3D art and a computer graphic. The children had a chance to view the work during the day and were clearly impressed judging by the many wow expressions witnessed. Thank you to Mrs Fitt-Boyland for organising this event. Pics will soon appear on the website.

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admin on: Mr Reilly's Blog

After School Provision Monday - Friday Following the survey of parents regarding an after school provision, we are asking our parent community if there would be any interest in staffing this project. This would be from approximately 3 – 6 pm Monday to Friday, or at least some of these days. If you would like to be considered for this position, please inform a member of the office staff and a member of staff will be in contact. At this stage we are simply exploring possibilities. The appropriate checks would be made if the decision is made to take this idea forward.

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Welcome back!

admin on: Mr Reilly's Blog

Welcome back to a new term and the sun is finally starting to shine. This means that the children will soon be able to access the field and woods. The ground just needs a little more drying time.

 Reception Places

Reception places have now been confirmed for September. If you are expecting a place for your child at Bean and have not yet heard from Kent County Council, please contact a member of staff who will be happy to help. 

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Red Nose Day

admin on: Mr Reilly's Blog

Well done to the whole school community for pulling together and raising £150 for Red Nose Day.  The children were adorned in red and engaged in a danceathon during the afternoon. This involved children dancing to the hall and then dancing with children of a different age group. Staff also participated which resulted in a carnival atmosphere throughout the school. 

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We are a popular place to learn!

admin on: Mr Reilly's Blog

We currently have 205 Pupils attending Bean Primary School which is our highest number for many years. We also have an extremely high number of parents seeking a place for their child in Reception from September 2024. Together we are clearly creating a popular place for our children to learn and grow as we seek to help them ‘become the best that they can be’ - Article 29. 

“Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.”

C.S. Lewis.

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