Bean Primary School

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Head's Welcome

Welcome to Bean Primary School

We are a popular village primary school with a long-standing tradition of success in sport as well as providing a good quality education for children in the core areas of learning. My staff and I are proud of our successes and committed to providing an excellent education for all children within our care.    

The school is forward thinking and seeks to develop and implement a creative curriculum to enthuse, motivate and inspire children every day.  Individual, challenging targets in English, Maths and Science ensure that each child has a good understanding of how to improve and the resulting progress is tracked carefully throughout the school and reported to parents and carers.   

As a parent or carer, your contribution is valued and needed. By working together, we can ensure that all children have the support that they require throughout their primary years to give them the very best foundation for secondary education and later life.

As a parent or carer you will understand how important your involvement is in the education of your children. To support this, we arrange prestart meetings, open afternoons and parents’ evenings to talk to the class teachers.  You are always welcome to visit the school at other times but it would be helpful to arrange an appointment beforehand through the school office.   

If you have any concerns at all about your child, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do all that we can to help.

We hope that you will find our website informative and useful.


G. Reilly
