Bean Primary School

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About Us

Bean Primary School is a one-form entry, village primary school set in an idyllic rural location; it even has its own woods! Children are offered a broad and stimulating curriculum which is taught through topics, allowing children to make links between their learning, helping them to piece together knowledge through the why, how, when and where questions that children frequently ask. Staff understand that to develop children fully, a broad range of experiences are required to allow each child to shine and achieve. These include: outdoor learning activities, a wide range of sporting opportunities, after school clubs, two residential trips in the older age groups, opportunities for House Captains and Rights Respecting Ambassadors to represent the school and numerous performance opportunities throughout the age groups promoting acting, singing and dancing. Children’s achievements are captured in our weekly celebration assemblies where certificates are awarded and children are encouraged to, "Become the best that they can be". (Article 29 Unicef Rights of the Child)

For more details please contact us on 01474 833225 or email us at